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100 Years On: Commemorating The 1919-1921 Irish Revolution

This virtual presentation will explore the impact of the Irish War for Independence (1919-1921) on shaping modern Ireland, as well as its impact on global anticolonial and nationalist movements in India, Korea, China, and the United States, among others. Further, the presentation will discuss how the War for Independence is being commemorated one hundred years later.

Presented by Kenneth Shonk, Jr., PhD Associate Professor, World History and Social Studies Education | UW-La Crosse

Wednesday, Nov.18 at 6 p.m.

free and open to the public (connection info below)

La Crosse Bantr-Friendship Association | A LA CROSSE GLOBAL INITIATIVES WEEK EVENT | 100 years on: Commemorating the 1919-1921 Irish Revolution | presented by Kenneth Shonk, Jr., PhD, Associate Professor, World History and Social Studies Education, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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