The La Crosse-Bantry Friendship Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions and membership fees are used for global outreach and public awareness activities, cultural exchanges, newsletters and other publications, student exchanges, and helping to host Irish delegations from Bantry.
Joining the LBFA gives you an opportunity to learn about Irish culture and heritage, host Bantry residents and represent the United States, the State of Wisconsin, and especially the City of La Crosse.
We accept and appreciate all donations that are either monetary or in-kind. Donations may be sent as a check or money order, payable to "LBFA."
Thank you for joining and/or donating!
Sincerely, the Board Members of the LBFA

To Join the LBFA, download the membership form (pdf 2,550 kb).
Donations in any amount are welcome and encouraged!
Complete the Membership Application form, become a member and celebrate your love of all things Irish!
$ 10 Student
$ 15 Individual
$ 25 Family
$100 Corporate

To contribute to the good works we are doing consider becoming a contributor.
$ 15 Donor
$ 50 Diplomat
$100 Ambassador
$500 Statesman

A Special Thank You to our "Claddagh" Supporters:
Advertising Concepts
Bean Juice
Breakfast Club & Pub
Breidenbach Chiropractic
Candlewood Suites - La Crosse
Castaways on the Island
Cow 97.1 Country
Dave's Guitar Shop
Fun Fur Pets
Hampton Inn
Howe's Jewelers
Johnson Ops Tree Care
Kramer's Bar & Grill
La Crosse Community Theatre
La Crosse Print
Midwest Family Broadcasting
Mike Etrheim Woodworking
Pettibone Boat Club
Quillan's Quality Food
Rotary, Valley View Club
Shimmy's Bar & Grill
Tom Sawyer's Bar & Grill
Turtle Stack Brewery
Ye Old Yosi Style Inn
La Crosse Family YMCA

Established in 2005, the La Crosse-Bantry Friendship Association is La Crosse's link to Ireland.
The mission of La Crosse-Bantry Friendship Association, Inc. is to promote people-to-people diplomacy between Bantry, Ireland and La Crosse, Wisconsin, and to educate by facilitating exchanges and projects so that people may develop a better understanding of each others' cultures, cities, and countries.
Our relationship with Bantry, Ireland, is unique and features cooperative efforts in such diverse activities as education, sports, the arts, government agencies and public policy, business, and many others.
La Crosse's varied cultural backgrounds of its citizens has resulted in an environment that ensures foreign visitors are welcome. We support a variety of local cultural education programs, activities and events. Many of these events are supported and coordinated by the City’s International Committee.
In addition, the City of La Crosse has an active International Committee, which ensures representation from each of our seven Sister Cities. This committee brings together citizens interested in promoting international awareness and citizen diplomacy.
Year Established
Current Membership
miles between La Crosse & Bantry
Board Members
Join us for meetings on the 4th Wednesday of the month
(except Nov. & Dec. when we schedule
a special holiday party/meeting
on a different date)
at the Eagles Club/VFW
630 6th Street South, La Crosse, WI
(unless otherwise noted in the Calendar).

La Crosse Bantry Friendship Association
PO BOX 1071
La Crosse, WI 54602
President: Lynn Marie West
Vice-President: Ann Nolan
Treasurer: Bri Clement
Secretary: Kathy O'Driscoll
Trustee: Susie Schock
Trustee: Bob Hillary
Trustee: Mary Monks
Trustee: Kathy Spelker
Past-President: Linda Pfaff