The La Crosse-Bantry Friendship Association (LBFA) presents to Gundersen and Mayo Hospice Programs and symbolically to Bantry Hospice Project, monies from proceeds of the 4th Annual Coulee Hoolie Ceili (pronounced KAY-lee). The success of the March event has allowed LBFA to present each non-profit with a check from this event.
The Coulee Hoolie Ceili is a unique Irish celebration including music, dance, silent auction, food and fun. Coulee Hooligans provided their talents at no cost to produce an evening of traditional Irish music and Ceili dancing. complete with instruction so everyone could join in.
A special thank you to all of the event sponsors; without their support this event never could have been such a big success.
Claddagh Sponsors
Advertising Concepts
Dave’s Guitar
Driftless Chiropractic & Spinal Rehab
Dublin Square
Joe Cody
La Crosse Area Family YMCA
LAX Print
Midwest Family Broadcasting
Mueller Photography
Nicklaus Martial Arts Americ
Cara Sponsors
AmericInn La Crosse
La Crosse Community Theatre
Outdoor Services, Inc (OSI)
Phil Addis Photographer
Quillin’s Grocery